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Jennah Thornhill Spotlight

author of the syren series and making our way back

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So tell us a little bit about yourself and your background

I'm a 31 year old mother and wife. I have 2 gorgeous children Mollie who's 11 and Noah who is 5, I've been with my husband for 12 years. I live in a small city called Newcastle-Under-lyme. I starting writing almost 2 years ago when I was recovering from depression due to me being diagnosed with a neurological condition called IIH. I have obsessions with tattoos and books, also in between all that I look after my Nan and granddad.


What were you like at school?

In all honesty, I was a little shit in High School.


What are your ambitions for your writing career?1

If I can hit any of the best seller lists then I've achieved every writers dream.


What Authors inspire you on a daily basis?

Without a doubt Chloe Walsh is at the top of my list. But I also love the work of D.H.Sidebottom that woman is just amazing with her quit whit and dark mind.


Tell us the names of the books you have written

Syren's Angel Syren's Heaven & Hell Syren's Plaything Making Our Way Back I have a short story in an anthology called FILTH And within the next month or so the 4th book in the Syren Series shall be released... Syren's Rebirth.


So this is book 4 in the Syren Series, what can you tell us about all the other books without giving too much away.

Oooooo, what can I say? Well they are full of twist and turns you wouldn't be expecting. Book 1 does end on a cliffhanger I will say that much. I did get threatened with murder a few times, especially with Heaven & Hell, then of course there's the gorgeous rockers that everyone wants to undress.


For book four. Give us an insight to your main character. What does he/she do that makes them so special.

The 2 of them have a connection, heartbreak and grieving the death of someone brings them together, there's also a twist that show's Liam having to step up and take responsibility.


Who is your favourite character you have written and why?

This one is easy, my favourite so far has to be Kane from Making Our Way back. That man is just to die for, he's arrogant and cocky. But he also know's what it means to protect his woman no matter what the cost.


What inspired you to become an author, did you just wake up one day with an idea for a story?

In 2014 I got diagnosed with my IIH, because it's a head condition I'm classed as un-insurable for a work place so I had to give up my restaurant managers job. After suffering with serious depressing, I finally pulled myself together and one day I just thought 'stuff it' I'm not gonna sit wallowing. I wrote the ideas I had for Syren's Angel down in an old notebook I found at my Nan's, then I called my friend and told her what I was planning. And the rest is how they say is history.


Have you currently got more books up your sleeve?

Oh my god yes, I have about 8 wips currently on my laptop all unfinished.


If you are currently working on more, can you give us any little sneak peaks that nobody else knows, but that also wont give away your story. What Genre is it?

This little sneak peak is from The Model Citizen, it's going to be a standalone novel about a single mother who meets a model whilst on a photo shoot for a friends book cover.

"Keep staring sweetheart, because if you do it's gonna end up with you bent over this table and you screaming my name. And I couldn't give a toss who watches." My heart rate goes at a speed I didn't know it was capable off, as I turn and see Dan walking away from me as if he didn't just make me wet and also make me think he was a cocky arsehole all at once. My god, I don't know if I want to punch him or fuck him, the dampness in my knickers is telling me the answer, an answer I'm going to ignore. Who does he think he is? Wanker.


What Genre do you find is the easiest for you to write and what drew you to this genre?

It's hard for me to categorise my work, mainly because my books have a bit of everything in them. Suspense, comedy and lots of emotion. I love writing it all.


Do you think the cover is a big part of what sells your books or the blurbs?

I think it's 50/50. They both play big parts in the market.


I have noticed you don't use shutter stock images for your covers. So where do these awesome covers come from?

The picture on Syren's Rebirth is actually me, other than that all my others come from Charlene Bell over at Envy Designs. She just gets me, she knows what I'm thinking before I even tell her half the time.


What Actors would you like to see play the lead characters in your current release.

Isla Fisher for Melissa. Scott Eastwood for Liam.


When it comes to research, how much do you do.

I always research locations that I write into my books, then depending on the plot it depends what I have to research.


Have you ever written a secret collaboration with another author. If now who would be your dream author to work with?

No I haven't unfortunately, but never say never. If I could write with someone, it would have to be Chloe Walsh that woman's mind blows me away with every book she writes.


What is your writing process, do you write specific times 5 days a week or do you just take the time out when the words start to flow?

I write when I can during the day at the min, life is just so busy. So mostly I write at night time. I put my earphones in and shut off from the world.


Where do your ideas come from? Do you plot them out or do you like to just sit down and write and see what comes to you?

I do both, especially if I'm out and I get a Jennah brainwave. As for my ideas, they just come from nowhere. They pop up like a light bulb moment.


What is the hardest thing you find about being an author?

Getting my name out there, the market is full of amazing authors and I'm just one small fish in a sea of bigger and better sharks.


Any tips or advise for authors out there on how you get past the dreaded writers block?

Walk away from it, take a break and come back to it with a clearer head.


Who are your own go to authors - the ones you see and you just one-click without reading a blurb?

Chloe Walsh Sienna Grant D.H.Sidebottom


What book/s are you reading at present if any?

I'm currently reading an arc of Love & Hope by Sienna Grant and it's amazing.


What does a relaxing day sound like in the land of Jennah?

A day in the nail salon with my mum and favourite nail tech, there I'm Jennah the author, I'm just me and all we do is laugh the entire time I'm in there.


Tell me your favourite motivational Quote

Time is precious, waste it wisely. I actually have it tattooed on my collarbone.


Name your top 5 films ever?

Dirty Dancing, Green mile, Pretty Woman, Top Gun, Beaches


Name 5 songs that inspired you to write this series.

Mr Big - To Be With You Toto - Rosanna Clare Bowen - Black Roses Cher - Just Like Jesse James Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You


What advise would you give to your younger self?

Don't be a bitch, because I was evil when I was a teenager. How my Mum coped with me I don't know, she deserves a gold medal.


What is your favourite thing about the writing community you are a part of.

Everyone is so generous, no matter what everyone is always there for one and another good or bad.


How do you name your characters?

I write down their descriptions first, then I put a name to what I think suits them best.


What was your favourite book as a child?

James and the giant peach.


Do you have any random writing quirks?

I can't write without my music and Lucozade orange.


What is your favourite thing about book signings?

All the new different people I get to meet, so far I've only done 2 but I've made some friends for life at them.


Which famous person Living or dead would you like to meet and why. What would be the first thing you would say to them?

Patrick Swayze definitely. I would ask him to teach me to dance the way he did Jennifer Grey.


If you could have been the original author of any book in history what would it be?

Harry Potter without a doubt.

What is some advise you would give to any aspiring authors out there.

Take your time, don't rush your work and get someone to look at and edit your work. Share it, don't keep it to yourself, a fresh pair of eyes always helps.


What colour is your toothbrush?



As a kid, did you ever have an imaginary friend?

I didn't I'm afraid, I think Drop Dead Fred scared me for life.


What is the weirdest thing you have a collection of?

Piggin' Figures, I love them.


What is the last text on your phone?

From Mollie's new school telling me that the new uniform is ready at the Smart Uniform shop.


what was the last furry thing you touched?

My Mum's cat.


What is the last song that made you cry?

This is me from The Greatest Showman.


What is your favourite Disney movie?

Beauty And The Beast.


Do you have any hidden secret talents?

I can play the Cello, but not many people know that.


Tell me something random that not many people know.

I was born deaf, I've had 4 operations on my ears.



If you would like to know more about Jen please follow the links at the top of the page 










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Liza xo

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