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Chloe Walsh Spotlight


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Today I am interviewing Chloe Walsh the author of the new book ‘Binding 13’

Chloe has been one of my unicorn author for a few years now since I found Kyle Cater and I was lucky enough to get to meet her in March this year at a signing in Belfast, Ireland.

Even though she is one of my favourite authors I was very chill at our first meeting. I  waited till later on to fan girl. Believe me when I tell you, The Chloe you see on-line is the Chloe that you meet in real life.  But now to get to the good stuff.

Hi Chloe, thank you for agreeing to this do this interview especially on release week I can imagine this is a crazy week for you, how do you deal with the stresses release week brings on?

 Hey Liza, how's it going? Thanks so much for wanting to chat with me. I'm delighted, and it was an absolute pleasure meeting you in Belfast. One of the highlights of my trip.

Release week is always a hectic one – probably because I'm seriously unorganised when it comes to publishing. I've been a published author for almost five years, and Binding 13 is my twentieth release, and yet I still find myself chasing my tail most days. I deal with the stress by hiding out in the Clovers group lol. Those girls are the best and always make me feel better.


Before we get started discussing your new release why don’t you tell us all a little bit about yourself and your background.

 Well, I'm twenty-eight. I've been with my husband since secondary school, and we have two children together. I'm an autism mom of a six year old boy, and a dyspraxia mom to my daughter. I was born and raised in county cork in the very south of Ireland. My kids are my world, and I fell back into writing when they were babies. I'm a huge advocate for mental health awareness, having battled with OCD and depression for most of my life. I'm a massive sports fan, I love Jennifer Armentrout books, and I'm a huge fan of reality tv.



What else have you written

 (*Include books, novellas, short stories, poems, blogs, awards or anything of interest.)

 I've released twenty books since 2014, and probably tossed several more in the can. Growing up, I won several poetry and short story competitions, but sports was my passion in my teens, so I didn’t truly turn back to writing until my early twenties. My book most popular series would have to be The Broken Series, and The Carter Kids Series. I've broken through the Amazon top 100 list several times down through the years, and topped the iTunes charts in many countries. Endgame, one of my standalone novels, and Inevitable, one of The Carter Kids novels, won awards in 2017 for cliff-hanger book of the year, and book boyfriend of the year.


Where can we buy or see them? (* please include universal links if you have them. American, European and any other relevant links. Free, free promotions or prices can be included)

 I have five books available on KU in Amazon as of today, and the rest are widely distributed on various platforms.


What was the younger Chloe like at school?

 Ah jeez, I'd say if you asked my friends, they'd give you the accurate version, but I got on pretty well at school. I have the same bunch of buddies since junior infants, so I must have done something right along the way, lol.  I worked my way through secondary school, and held three jobs while I attended. I also played a huge amount of sports, like Gaelic Football, Camogie, Basketball, and Soccer, so I was kept busy most of the time. Myself and my friends would always go to the ole monthly underage disco for the craic – and the boys.


Were you good at English? If I was to call your English teacher what would she have to say about you?

 English was one of my strongest subjects, for sure. I enjoyed History too. I loved theory and reading, and developing characters and storylines from a young child. My English teacher, god love him, was put under pressure most days trying to rein in our class. I attended a public, mixed school. There was 100 boys in my year and only 6 girls, so it wasn’t easy for any of our teachers lol.


What are your ambitions for the future of your writing career?

 I just want to continue writing and loving what I do. I hope I can keep my readers entertained and invested in my characters. I'm quite content in this amazing life I've been given. I'm so grateful to be able to make a living doing what I love most. I couldn’t ask for anything more.


Which authors inspire you?

 I think any author who has the balls to put not only their work, but themselves out there for the world to see deserves to be admired. I certainly admire anyone with that kind of courage and find it inspirational. In terms of personal inspiration, I suppose I'm inspired by George R.R Martin. I love that guy and his attitude towards life.


What is your usual genre to write? What draws you to this genre?  

 The genres I tend to write in would be: Contemporary romance, Romantic Suspense, Young Adult, and New Adult. I love angst, lol. I adore it. I love the pain and conflicting emotions and feelings we all endured as teenagers, and I think that's what always draws me back to young adult/new adult romance.


Can you see yourself writing a complete different genre in the future?

 Yes, for sure. I'm obsessed with paranormal romance books and dystopian. I could definitely see myself venturing down that route someday.


So back to the reason we are all here, your new release. Give us an insight into your main characters. What does he/she do that is so special?

So, the main characters in Binding 13 are Johnny and Shannon. Johnny is an up and coming rugby star who has his sights set on playing for Ireland. I actually love this guy because he's so different to my usual heroes. His internal monologue was the best thing ever to write because he was so real and raw. Shannon is a different kettle of fish altogether. She broke my heart to write, because her story is so much deeper and darker than his. I don’t want to give too much away, but they're two complete opposites that find themselves thrown together.


Give us a quick synopsis of the book for those of us who haven’t been waiting impatiently for it.

 Johnny Kavanagh has everything going for him. On the rugby pitch, he's a force to be reckoned with. Primed for stardom, he's heading straight for the top. Nothing can possibly get in his way, right?

Not even the shy new girl at Tommen College. The one with the sad eyes and hidden bruises. The one that distracts him like no one ever has.

Plagued with a hidden injury and desperate to impress the scouts watching his every move, Johnny has been placed on a pedestal so high, he has no room to make mistakes.

Striving to maintain balance, and on the crest of the International Summer Campaign, Johnny needs to keep his head in the game. Months away from the prestigious professional rugby contract he’s been chasing his whole life, Johnny cannot afford to let distractions get in the way of the bigger picture.

But what happens when a lonely girl with sad eyes becomes the only picture?


Life has never been easy for Shannon Lynch. Traumatized, she arrives at Tommen College mid-way through the school year praying for a fresh start and desperate to shake off the demons that plague her.

On her very first day at the prestigious private school, she comes into contact with the notorious Johnny Kavanagh.

Thrown through a hoop over her feelings for him, and desperate to keep a low-profile, Shannon finds herself once again the target of bullies as she forms a fragile alliance with rugby's rising star.


His first, last, and only true love has always been rugby.

Until now.


Hearts are binding and lives are entwining in Binding 13.


A city boy chasing his dreams.

A country girl hiding from her demons.


He wants to save her.

She wants to hide.


He’s leaving.

She needs an escape.


She’s damaged.

He's determined.



How did you come up with the idea for this story. Its a little outside the norm for you, what with it being a sports romance.

 I was watching the Six Nations back in March 2018 – I'm a huge rugby fan. Ireland won the Grand Slam and I literally just stood up, walked into my office and began to type. The story unfolded from there. I was completely inspired.


Have you ever given thought to what actor/Actress you would like to see playing the lead from any of your books? If so which book and who?

 I don’t think much about that kind of thing, but there's two in particular that stand out – probably because of the girls in the Clovers lol. Charlie Hunnam for Lucky Casarazzi in the Carter Kids Series, and Colton Haynes for Kyle Carter in the Broken Series.


Do you have a specific way you write a book, do you outline the plot or so you just see where an idea takes you? How much research do you do?, give us a little insight into your process.

 I don’t outline. My author friends kill me for this. I write scene after random scene until it eventually starts falling into place. It's a weird and random process. If I'm writing about something that I need to research, then I do my homework, but I usually just let the words flow and trust my gut.


Are you working on anything new at the moment or taking a break? If you are working on something new now, can you give us a little hint?

 I'm just finished Binding 13, so I'm lightly plotting the next book. I'm always working though. I rarely take a break because writing is my outlet.  


Have you ever thought about collaborating with another author on a book or do you rather write alone?

 No, I'm a lone wolf. I've thought about it, and had offers, but I don’t think it would work for me – probably because I would drive my co-author insane, lol.


How did you become an author. Have you always written or did you just wake up one morning with a story?

 I've always been one, I think? I can't remember a time in my life where I wasn’t writing stories, music or poems, or inventing storylines between my Barbies when I was small, lol.


Why do you write.

Because I have to get it out me, if that makes sense? My brain is like an overflowing sink, and when I write, the pressure releases, and panic recedes. I feel free, and good about myself. Every emotion I'm writing about, I'm feeling it too. It's almost like a therapy. I would quite possibly lose my mind if I couldn’t write. It's a huge release for me. Now publishing is a different matter altogether lol.


What made you decide to sit down and actually start something?

 Pain? Anger? Fear? The desperate need to release my emotions in a way that was constructive? Writing gave me that lifeline I needed it most.


Is writing  a full time or part time job for you.

 I'm lucky enough to write fulltime for a living. I'm incredibly grateful for the life my writing has afforded me to live.


Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured? Do you have a specific word count to write each day, do you use a computer, longhand or typewriter?

 If I decide I'm writing a certain story, I don’t stop. I work usually 18 plus hour days, and there's no break until it's done. I work around the clock. When my kids are at school. When I'm walking. When I'm in the bath. When I'm cooking dinner. I literally fall off the map for a good 6 to 8 weeks during the writing process. I don’t stop until it's done, because if I get distracted, I find it hard to get back in the zone. I'm very lucky to have understanding friends.


Where do the your ideas come from, dreams, every day life…..?

 Yeah, I guess. Usually, they just burst into my mind, and I go from there.


From book 1 to now how do you think you’ve evolved creatively?

 I'm more skilled now. I've learned my strengths and weaknesses and I use them to my ability. I also have editors and proof-readers now, lol, that I didn’t have in the beginning. * hangs head in shame *


What is the hardest thing about writing?

 It can get very lonely. When you're awake at 4am, sitting at a computer desk, having turned down dozens of invites out with friends, and sacrificed precious time with family, and you're sitting there all alone, wondering what the hell you're doing? That's when it gets hard.


What was the hardest thing about writing your latest book?

 Ending it, lol.


What is the easiest thing about writing?

 For me, I don’t think there's anything easy about writing per se. It just gets easier to write. The more you do it, the more natural it comes to you … if that makes sense?


How long on average does it take you to write a book?

 It depends. Binding 13 took four months to write. Break my Fall took six weeks. Off Limits took ten days. It all depends on the flow, and the storyline and the depth of the characters.


Do you ever get writer’s Block? And if so, do you have any tips to get through the dreaded writers block?

 Don’t stop writing is my best advice. If you're blocked, if you're stuck or struggling, just keep going. It happens to everyone. Sometimes, it can help to step away from the computer for a few hours, but personally, I'm a firm believer in putting your headphones on, pumping music, and thrashing out those words – any words at all – until you get back in the swing of things.


Is Binding 13 a standalone or will it be part of a series.

 Binding 13 is a part of a series. It's the first book in the Boys of Tommen series.


You mostly write series, its very rare that you do a standalone, is there a reason for that.

 I find it hard to leave my characters behind. I think that's why I veer towards series. It's hard to say goodbye, lol.


What three songs should I listen to while reading this book.

 (I love this)

Picture This – 95

Joshua Radin – Here Comes the Sun

Raign – Knocking on Heaven's Door


What is the theme song for this whole book?

 It has to be  The Beatles' song Here Comes the Sun.

Imaginary Future, Joshua Radin, and James Last do amazing versions of this song – all of which I listened to during the writing process.


Do you read much and if so who are your favourite authors. Do you read paperbacks or ebooks?

 I'm random. It's all about the story for me. If your story's good, I'm hooked. Abbi Glines, Katy Evans, and Jennifer L Armentrout would be three of my favourite authors, but mostly, I have favourite books, if that makes sense? I collect paperbacks and read on my kindle.


Are you reading anything at the moment?

 I'm listening to Audiobooks at the moment. I walk 5km every day to keep my mind fresh, and I listen to audiobooks during my walks. Right now, I'm listening to Thoughtless (for the millionth time) by SC Stephens. It's amazing and I highly recommend anyone who hasn’t read that series to jump in.


Do you proofread/edit all your own books or do you get someone to do that for you?

 No, I made that mistake in the beginning when I was green and naïve. I have an editor and a separate proof-reader.


Tell us about covers, what is your process with choosing covers for all of your books?

 Binding 13 was professionally designed by the amazing Jay Aheer. Before that, I made many of my own covers, and used some other designers. I love design and technology, so I never thought twice about making my own covers. Binding 13 is extra special for me, though, and I wanted to put out the best possible version to the world.


When you are in the zone writing what do you do to relax?

 During the writing process, I listen to music constantly, so I guess you could say music relaxes me? My Spotify playlists are insane, lol. I walk every day, too, so that's very calming.


What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

 Hire an editor. Pay the money. Find a good one. Don’t skimp on editing. It's so important. And be nice. Drum to your own beat. Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Do you, and be happy with that.


Now for some random fun questions……………


Who are your favourite authors?

 Abbi Glines, Jennifer Armentrout, Katy Evans, George R.R Martin.


What is your favourite motivational phrase.

I have a few:


Be good to who you meet on the way up, chances are you'll be meeting them on the way back down.


Make your haters your motivators.


Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.


Consistent exercise is transformational.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.


Breathe in the good shit, breathe out the bullshit.


What is your favourite positive saying?

 I honestly couldn’t choose. I'm a big quote person and my favourite depends on my mood.


What is your favourite film?

 Oh god, I don’t know. I have a ton of favourites. Again, it depends on my moods. One of my all time favourites is The Shawshank Redemption.


Where can you see yourself in 5 years time?

Hopefully healthy, happy, and doing my thing.


What advice would you give to your younger self?

 Hold on, it's going to get better.


Which famous person, living or dead would you like to meet and why?

 Oh god, I better give you the censored version haha – just in case my husband reads this. I think I'd like to meet my Granda again for one more chat.


If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?

Game of Thrones, without a doubt. Because the series is so amazing.


What was the last thing you ate?

My son's jelly babies (while I hid in the bathroom haha)


As a kid did you have an imaginary friend, if so what was his/her name?

No, I never had one. I had too many siblings, lol.


What was the last furry thing you  touched?

My dog. He's asleep at my feet right now.


Do you have a secret talent? If so what is it?

I sing and play a few instruments.


What is the weirdest thing you have ever collected?

 I don’t know? Uh, probably my kids first tooth and lock of hair for those keepsake trinket boxes babies are given.

What would you want written on your tombstone?

 Don’t look back in anger.

What were you doing at midnight last night?

 In my office, working.


Tell me something random.

 I tip the milk off my spoon before I eat my cereals? Haha.


Is there anything else you would like to add that I haven’t included?


I just want to say thank you for asking me for this interview. It was lovely, and I had a great time.

How can readers discover more about you and you work?


I spend most of my social media time in my readers group on Facebook called Chloe's Clovers. That's where most of my readers can catch me. I also have a website and I update that for every release. I'm also on Instagram and twitter. 


I really hope you enjoyed this interview. You can find Chloe at any of the links above 


















Liza xo

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